Friday Five - 5.26.23 - Tina Turner

Tina Turner taught generations of women about alchemy. 

About spiritual stillness and harnessing the power to live the life of your dreams.

Far more than her captivating performances or catalog of musical hits, her greatest legacy will be this: The lessons she left behind.

She was our guru’s guru. The canary of our community. The one who bravely went before so that we would know the way. The Harriet of Rock n Roll. She traversed the greatest harms, life-crushing defeats, and parents who didn’t love or want her, per her own autobiography, to transcend from Anna Mae Bullock to Tina Turner.  

It seemed like magic before our eyes, but for Black girls in the trenches of life, we saw that it was one deliberate choice after another. A daily negotiation with faith. A disciplined practice of walking forward and not looking back.

She shifted our perspective, expanded our sense of self, raised our vibrations, and poured everything that she had into making us feel joy. And while it’s true that she was an idol. We are reminded today that she was also just a Black girl searching for a way forward.

In her honor, this Friday’s Top Five is dedicated to the lessons she taught us.

  1. WE NEED A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Walking is a daily devotion at GirlTrek. That’s why we call Black History Bootcamp a walking meditation. Exercise is our offering. The rhythm of our heart as it synchronizes every cell in our body with each step that we take provides a physical connection to the source. Tina’s Buddhist faith and her daily commitment to chanting was her spiritual practice. She said, “The more you chant, the more you become liberated, mentally.” With her transition, it's the perfect time for us to ask ourselves, What practices are we rooted in and how will we demonstrate our commitment? If you don’t know where to start you should plan to join us all in June for Black History Bootcamp: 21-Pleasure Principles. Lessons from Black History on How to Experience Pleasure and Embody Wellness.  We start next Thursday. This is the energetic reset, and physical cleanse, that your body and mind need right now. A daily, live experience shared by thousands of beautiful souls all walking, learning, and healing together. The lessons on pleasure and the practical tools for accessing it and transcending your pain will be life-changing. And of course, the laughter of two friends, and the honest and vulnerable conversations that they have, will welcome you home to yourself.

  2. WE NEED A CREW: Thank you Oprah and Tina for allowing us to witness your beautiful friendship and bond. In a world that uses Black sisterhood as a weapon to discredit our most valuable support system, you showed, with tender loving care and adoration, what it looks like for two Black women to love and praise each other. Oprah, we are thinking of you at this moment. We know it’s hard to lose a friend. We also know that the world can feel lonely without community. That’s why this Juneteenth we are activating GirlTrek Crews to host a welcome walk on Juneteenth weekend. It’s a part of our Summer of Radical Welcome (Official announcement coming on Monday!) Just know that we will be in our neighborhoods deep, planting flags and welcoming sisters into the movement. Save the date for Saturday, June 17th, and get ready to claim your official GirlTrek neighborhood flag when the announcement drops.

  3. WE HAVE TO MOVE: Tina Turner danced like every move was a hallelujah and amen. Like praise was shooting from her fingertips and toes. She moved energy with her moves and showed us that healing requires you to be tapped into your body. It requires a physical release and sweat and the willingness to dance like no one is watching. This weekend that’s what we want you to do while on your walk. Vanessa & Morgan have each made a mile of music (15 min). Download, take a walk, and move like Mary would be proud of you.     

    Vanessa’s Mile of Music. Tina Turner Testifies 
    Morgan’s Mile of Music. Slow dance with myself on a slow walk to these country confessions.

  4. WE HAVE TO GO WHERE WE ARE LOVED: Tina Turner relinquished her U.S. Citizenship in 2013 to become a citizen of Switzerland. In an interview, she once said she went there originally because her man was there and because they played her music more everywhere she went. That made her happy. And it’s really that simple. Go where you are loved. And you are loved here at GirlTrek.

  5. WE HAVE TO SHOW WHAT WE ARE MADE OF: From the arms, to the wig, to the mini skirts, to the dance moves, Tina was loud, proud, out loud, and loving on herself in an absolutely enchanting way. Too many of us are hiding. In plain sight. Too afraid to step up, or step into the biggest vision that we have for ourselves. Too afraid to not be pleasing, or not be liked. Too confident that it’s going to be what it’s going to be. No faith that things can change. Too unwilling to take risks on ourselves. That has to stop. Here. Now. Tina taught us better. We owe her more for her sacrifice. Be encouraged that you are deserving. Need strength? Listen to this Tina Turner episode from Black History Bootcamp. 

We pray that spring brought forth much beauty and that you are ready to move into this Summer season with GirlTrek. Blessings for a peaceful Memorial Day Weekend. We’ll be back in your inbox by the time you start to dig into that to-go plate. 


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Black History Bootcamp - Season 7


Day 1/30