Historic News - GirlTrek purchases Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s office in Alabama.
No clue how to write this. It’s the most historic news I’ve personally ever had the honor of sharing.
To prevent my fingers from freezing, I’ll imagine that I’m writing to my real cousins.
We just purchased Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s office in Alabama.
Say what!?
My heart is racing again.
Take heart.
Do you know what this means!!?
This means that a million Black women—that’s you, me, us, our daughters and our cousins—now own the actual building and land that was the headquarters of The Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Oh weee.
It’s done.
It’s done.
The deal is done.
Vanessa and I sat across from a lawyer in a seersucker suit and signed the deed.
Somebody play that Holy Ghost music!!!!!
So, we’ll share videos, pictures, important dates for a ribbon cutting, tours later.
And I can’t wait for your input on GirlTREK’s brave game plan to establish “Care Villages” in 7 historic locations.
…but all you need to know now is that the building smells like liberation, the sunlight dapples the original floor with hope and love, and there is a yard in the back where we can plant a garden and a barn for beekeeping. The energy there is transformational. Coretta Scott King planted the rose bushes outside. And her young husband announced victory over the indignity of segregation to the world—after 381 days of walking—from this very location.
It’s our new headquarters.
We were so nervous at the closing, so I put my phone on speaker mode and played this speech.
Echoing throughout the lawyer’s office, just three days after the racially tense riverboat fight, I turned up Dr. King’s words from the Selma to Montgomery March.
He said:
“Our bodies are tired and our feet are somewhat sore.
…They told us we wouldn’t get here. And there were those who said that we would get here only over their dead bodies, but all the world today knows that we are here and we are standing before the forces of power in the state of Alabama saying, “We ain’t goin’ let nobody turn us around.” (Yes, sir. Speak) [Applause]
…I come to say to you this afternoon, however difficult the moment, (Yes, sir) however frustrating the hour, it will not be long, (No sir) because “truth crushed to earth will rise again.” (Yes, sir)
How long? Not long, (Yes, sir) because “no lie can live forever.” (Yes, sir)
How long? Not long, (All right. How long) because “you shall reap what you sow.” (Yes, sir)
…How long? Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. (Yes, sir)
How long? Not long, (Not long) because: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord (Yes, sir).”
The white lawyer started tearing up. “I was there,” he said. “Eight years old at the Selma to Montgomery March. My mother brought me.”
We got the keys.
Rosa Parks was protected in our building.
Georgia Gilmore cooked in our kitchen.
Jo Ann Robinson, E.D. Nixon, and Ralph Abernathy planned the strategy of the bus boycotts in our community room.
Ms. Robinson made her famous “Resist! Walk, don't ride” flyers in GirlTREK’s new headquarters.
Students like Claudette Colvin stood in front of this building for daily marching orders.
It was built by union men, Black bricklayers.
It is safe.
To God be the glory.
There in 1955, ordinary women and men commanded the attention of the world—by walking.
…and we will do the same.
We will launch GirlTREK’s Southern Headquarters and field team to reclaim the streets of our neighborhoods.
In 2025, we will kick off GirlTREK’s bold—and absolutely essential—strategy to increase the life expectancy of Black women by 10 years in 10 years.
It will take the full Spirit and blueprint of our foremothers.
Coalition building.
Cash in the hands of genius changemakers.
Wait for it….
and Calls to action.
Stay tuned.
We will change our own behavior, amplify a global narrative of “Joy & Justice” and collectively organize to create new systems and economies that heal us, our daughters and families.
But before all of that…
Y’all, we’ve got to talk to the mayor and the elders and all of the important people in Alabama.
(Y’all know everyone! Please connect us with who we need to know so that we can pay our respect and do this thing right. Don’t let our slips hang.)
…and stay tuned for a celebration block party early next year for the 22,000+ Alabama members and the half million GirlTREK members—in driving distance—across the American south.
I love y’all so much.
Thank you, God. Please continue to guide us as we march on to save our own lives.
Morgan (and V)