Your invitation to a new era

Be Part of Our Next Big Moment - RSVP Now!

Today is the birthday of our beloved Nikki Giovanni.

Do you remember the wisdom and knowledge that she shared during our #DaughtersOf conversation with her and Angela Davis? Were you there for the follow up conversation with Bernice King and Ilyasah Shabazz? Was it Black History Bootcamp that brought you into the movement and got you through the pandemic, or does your origin story go further back? Did you watch our 100-mile walk on the Underground Railroad? Or join us on the National Mall in 2013 for our first #WeAreHarriet? Were you there when Oprah introduced us on the TED stage? Have you ever been to The Mountaintop? Have you gotten the Holy Ghost with us at the #StressProtest? Are you an O.G.? What about a Neighborhood or City Captain?

Thank you for believing in us.

It has been your dedication, your daily resilience, your sweaty selfies, your joy jumps and victory bridges and many prayers that have gotten us through and given us the courage to keep going and it is - YOU - committing to be the Harriet of your neighborhood that gives us the confidence to keep telling the world, we can and will increase life expectancy for our sisters. 

With that bold declaration, we are excited to invite you to the next big thing: The refounding moment of our movement.

GirlTREK is going underground. 

Going underground means we will become both a clandestine network and a visible, powerful, and active force in our neighborhoods.

Clandestine Network: We will get strategic and seditious about our communicating and our organizing, taking some of our most precious conversations and activities underground into a sacred, safe space where we can heal and collaborate together outside of the glare of social media and folks who do not mean us well.

Visible Active Force: We will, however, continue to be a visible force in our neighborhoods, letting our daily walks speak for us—less talk, more walk—connecting face-to-face, and building deeper bonds through human connection.

  • Strategic Protection and Preservation: In today’s socio-political climate, Black women’s organizations and networks are under scrutiny and attack. History teaches us the importance of safeguarding our movements. To protect our sacred spaces and our energy, we need to ensure that our communications, organizing, and events remain secure and impactful.

  • The Health Crisis: We’ve gotten 1M+ of you to say yes, you will walk, but are you - at least 5 days a week?  Social media and screen time and    everything that takes us away from nature, and fresh air and lacing up up our sneakers is a distraction. Going Underground allows us to eliminate the distractions.  

  • Prioritizing Human Connection: We are making a deliberate shift to invest more of our resources into human connection. We aim to foster real, face-to-face interactions that build deeper connections, moving away from the digital and onto what truly matters.

Our goal is to get into the best shape of our lives over the next year so that we are prepared to lead GirlTREK’s new 10 in 10 mission: 10 years to increase life expectancy for Black women by 10 years. We are giving ourselves time to do it and permission to have fun while doing it. We are rolling out new tools and gear, and we are doing it in deep community and in fun and new ways. 

This Juneteenth, Wednesday, June 19th. 

The Rendezvous Point.

The Rendezvous Point is where we will connect in solidarity with our sisters and ourselves. It’s a series of events and places where we will gather to strengthen our neighborhoods, sometimes as groups, sometimes as solo trekkers on clandestine missions. It starts this Juneteenth, where we will be connecting at the closest Black parks and monuments to us for sunrise walks and victory laps to kick off this new era.

Find Your Spot: Google the closest Black park or monument in your area. This is about building community in our own neighborhoods. Commit to going to the closest one, not the one you prefer.

  • Wear Your Superhero Blue: Spotting each other in a sea of blue will be a powerful visual of our solidarity. 

  • Take a Sunrise Walk and Victory Lap: On Juneteenth, at sunrise, gather at your chosen location and walk together. This is our first act of public activism in this new chapter.

RSVP here.

We are looking for 10,000 women to say yes to this current refounding moment. Say yes to being at the start line. Say yes, you are a Harriet of your community. Say yes, you will be loud and proud this Juneteenth and take up space in honor of our ancestors at the closest Black park or monument to you. 

Every woman who says yes to taking a sunrise walk on Juneteenth will be the first to access a transformative new phase of GirlTREK, setting the stage for our collective journey ahead. This is our first step in refounding the movement, and we want you to be a part of it.

In the meantime, join us LIVE tomorrow for our weekly Sisterhood Saturday call. This call is more than a check-in; it’s a mass demonstration of healing. Be a part of the magic tomorrow at 10AM ET/7AM PT. Dial (646) 876 9923,,734464325#.

In sisterhood and solidarity,

The GirlTREK Team


Your victory is here.


Week 9: Nourish Your Temple