June By The Numbers

“Where my every fear has to surrender, take me there.” 

 Dear Sister, 

Where did your trekking take you this month? Did it open up doors, bring you to new revelations, and introduce you to new places or people? 

This morning I woke up with praise in my heart and this song, Lost In Your Love, in my head. In it, Brandon Lake sings, “where my every fear has to surrender, take me there.” And I immediately thought of you and all the places your trek journeys have taken you this month. 

Beyond the parks and trails that you trekked on.  Beyond the parades and protests, you joined. We pray that your trekking in June brought you to the edge of your fears, took you past your doubts, and delivered you to the solid ground of your innermost self.

Because that’s what this work is all about! June was a month that proved it for us. 

The numbers speak for themselves, just see below! 


2,758: The number of miles that Audrey Rodriguez traveled from Sammamish, WA to the GirlTrek office in Washington DC where she came to celebrate completing 21 Treks in 30 days for the Jumpstart Challenge. Audrey showed up with her adorable husband of 26 years, both of them suited and booted in GirlTrek gear. The love and joy that radiated from this couple as they talked about how powerful this movement has been in their lives were infectious! 

[Did you complete 21 Treks in June? We’re celebrating everyone who smashed the accomplishment with a pair of GirlTrek Golden shoelaces. Claim yours here so that when they ship (2-3 weeks) you can get yours!] 

19: The number of treks that Rhonda in Atlanta took when she shared this testimony: “Day 19/30 Jumpstart Challenge. Introducing my new friend Walker Marie. A temporary setback made me more determined to push through and complete the #30jumpstartchallenge. I am not going to tell a lie, the first chemo treatment was horrible and had me down. However, that Superhero blue power activated and gave me the strength I needed to complete a walk today. Chemo - .5 Rhonda - 1. I am winning.”

42%: The number of women who say they don’t have child care in the US. Shout-out to the mother’s still holding it down like Theresa in the Bronx who wrote, “This is for any parent or guardian of a family member who learns differently or experiences mental challenges, this GirlTrek village has supported me and my daughter through her high school journey. I love y’all. Thanks for the love, prayers and conversations. She has graduated and will be headed to Lincoln University this summer!”

[ Savanna State University Student, Dajah on a Trek with her mom Bev]

15: The number of college students we just hired to work as Special Impact Coaches at HBCUs across the country! This is a major addition to our coaching corps and will be a powerful strategy to support college-aged women in creating healthy habits at the most critical point in their lives. 

4: The number of Saturday mornings that we’ve hosted a live National Rally & Roll Call in June. Have you dialed in and taken a walk with us? It’s the most powerful conversation happening in the movement. Part sister-girl check-in, part celebration, with an opportunity to come hear from women who call in live while on their walks to share works of encouragement and inspiration. If you missed last week's call featuring the President of the Black Women's Health Imperative, Linda Goler Blount, breaking down the Supreme Court's Decision on Roe v. Wade, listen here, then plan to join us tomorrow, Saturday, July 2nd at 9AM ET (1+ 646-876-9923, Code: 734464325#).

403: The number of model walks that Coaches hosted across the country to teach women how to start their own Crews, find joy and connect with the movement. If there’s not a model walk near you, you can download this Field Guide to get going!

31: The number of days that you have in July to complete the Remix Challenge! This is it! This is what you’ve been waiting for.

Every walk in June felt like a revelation, right? Let’s keep the momentum going. Let’s ramp up the intensity. Let’s expand our activities. Let’s invite more friends into the fun!

The Remix is a fresh spin on the Jumpstart Challenge designed to help keep you moving this Summer. Just like the Jumpstart, you have 30 days from the day you start to complete 21 Treks or Cross-Treks from the list. Are you down to join us? Just download the challenge here. 

This month let every walk feel like a victory lap. 

Take time to marvel at how far you’ve come. 

If you’re not where you want to be, take time to reflect on how July can be different. 

This is not magic. It’s math. 

It’s a daily discipline. 

It’s 30 sacred minutes dedicated to yourself.  

Stay with it and we promise it will add up to the life of your dreams.

Onward with love! 

See you on the pavement! 



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