Monday Motivation: Her Story Will Save Someone's Life


On Saturday morning I received a call from GirlTrek’s VP of Care, Carla Harris. I thought for sure she was calling to talk about GirlTrek’s Saturday morning National Rally & Roll Call, which had just ended. On that walk and talk, Morgan and I had the most powerful conversation with three Black women. One, a climate scientist who said that the stress of working in all-white spaces while trying to be a voice for the communities not represented at the table was taking a toll on her and that walking had become her saving grace. Another, a physician, who said she’s spent her entire career caring for her patients and family, without pouring back into herself - until GirlTrek and her daily walks. And the last woman, Pamela, a grieving but resilient mother, and a long-time GirlTrek prayer warrior, came on the line, to share that she’d lost her daughter to domestic violence but knew that sharing her story with us, would save somebody's life.

And I guarantee you it did.

We knew that walking and talking together as a community would be powerful. We only have to look at the 1.9 million downloads of Black History Bootcamp, to know this format works. But there’s been something, especially hearing about what’s happening on Saturday mornings.

The sacredness of the day, the genuine grappling of two friends, the celebration and acknowledgment of the work we are doing together #30DAYJUMPSTART, and most importantly the space to talk - about it all - the good, the bad, the real, the buried deep down.

Thank you to everyone who laced up and joined us. If you missed it you can listen here.

I was still in a posture of gratitude and reeling from the powerful prayer that Pamela offered to close our walk when I picked up Carla’s call. Turns out she wasn’t calling to debrief about the National Rally & Roll Call but instead to tell me about what she’d just witnessed herself in Atlanta.

“Gorgeous”, Carla said, holding back tears. “Breathtaking.” Nearly 100 women showed up in a demonstration of support for Trekker Rhonda Griffin, who’d just found out her cancer was back.

In a ritual of healing, not only did the GirlTrek community come out to walk with her, but to also bear witness as Rhonda, her daughter Paula, and her son each had their hair shaved off in a show of support for their mother.

“God is shining His light on this movement,” Carla said. “In all areas of the nation, I guarantee you there are transformational stories just like this.”

And there are.

Just look at the pictures below for more evidence.

Do you see those faces? Those are the faces of Black women who have a personal testimony about the healing that is taking place in their lives because of this movement.

Rhonda in Atlanta, said herself, “The love and support that I received was and still is overwhelming. Every time I think about the events that took place I get a lump in my throat and the tears start to roll down my face. GirlTrek’s Superhero Saturday lived up to its name. As women and men showed up and showed out at Logan Farms Park in Acworth, GA, as well as other parks and trails across the country. Making a statement by wearing their superhero blue shirts, hats, and other Girltrek attire. Strongly sending a message that they stand up to cancer and that I do not and will not fight this disease alone.“

That’s right, Rhonda. You are not alone. We are a million+ Black women strong. We are here for you and each sister who walks with us.

If you are sitting on the sidelines and unsure how to experience the GirlTrek healing, we got you. Just download the 30-day Jumpstart Challenge. Take as many walks as you can this week and then plan to join us on Saturday morning for the National Rally & Roll Call.

As you walk this week we offer you the below affirmation that Morgan wrote for the staff. We are repeating it as a team and offer the words to you as a movement mantra. Repeat:

We walk in total victory

We model our mission

Our mission saves lives.

We stay the course

even when it’s a climb

because our lives are worth it.

Our own lives are our message.

Our glow will light the way

for our sisters to heal.

Be well sisters. May your walks this week be a source of peace and joy.

Staying the course,





Monday Motivation: Putting Parameters Around Your Pain