Monday Motivation: Tears of Joy

Have you ever had tears of joy? 

Tamecka Murray of New York, pictured above, said that she had them this past week while in the middle of the streets on Day 5 of the GirlTrek Remix Challenge. 

She said her tears were only overpowered by the sweat that dripped off her body as she attempted to “Trek for speed” and complete one mile in 15 minutes. 

Tamecka didn’t make it (this time.) She said she was off by 21 seconds, but that didn’t stop her from celebrating in the streets “like I won a gold medal.”  

Why, you ask? 

Why was Tamecka in the middle of her NY block, on a lunch break from work, celebrating and crying, ALMOST being able to walk one mile in 15 minutes? 

“Because 6 months ago it hurt just to walk slow,” Tamecka said in her Facebook post. 

She called it a brag, because she’s proud of herself. 

We call it a testimony. 

Right now you might be where Tamecka was six months ago. 

Maybe it hurts just to walk slowly. Maybe you showed up to a Crew walk and you were the last one to finish. Maybe you’re still working your way up to 30 minutes - maybe 10 or 15 is all you have in you right now. 

Wherever you may be on your journey, even if it’s still on the couch, contemplating your next move, Tamecka (and every woman pictured below) is here to remind you that it’s about progress not perfection. Don't be intimidated. Don't be discouraged. It’s the micro moves, the baby steps, the small victories that will lead you to where you want to be. 

 Need more motivation? Lace up your sneakers and listen to this Saturday’s National Rally & Roll Call, where we talk about worth, value and tapping into abundance. 

You are worth the effort. 

Worth the celebration. 

Worth the time. 

Show yourself that this week and watch as you get closer to those happy tears of joy. 

Trekking in love, 



By The Numbers - July & Golden Shoelaces Are Here!!


Monday Motivation: The Evidence